Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Jabiru Maintenance Matters

The Jabiru has recently had some work done on its engine. It seems that one of the cylinders had developed a crack and has been replaced. This work has been performed by Cliff Banks of Sun Centre Ultralights of Swan Hill.

So the important thing for Jabiru pilots to remember is that for the next 30 flight/engine hours we MUST use mineral oil in the engine. So if you need to add oil to the Jabiru use the oil that is in the "Black" containter rather that the synthetic oil in the "White" container.

If you have any issues or doudts about the right oil to use then contact Phil Colquhoun at work on (03) 5389-1541 or at home on (03) 5389-1812. The other alternative is to contact Peter Weissenfeld on 0419 137 129.

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