Saturday, August 03, 2013

Jabiru J230 Unregistered

The club's J230, Jabiru 5109, is registered for "Air Work" which is not acceptable to CASA for RAA
aircraft. RAA have obtained a 12 month exemption to sort this out so we can re register. The aircraft is currently grounded until payment has been made. (The J120 is not affected by this issue.)

Also, Peter Weissenfeld advises that RAA not only require a record of landings, but also fuel on board at take off. We are changing from our current flight record book to using monthly flight sheets which will be in ring binder folders.

Finally, all members be be reminded to check the Maintenance Record Form for defects and oil change hours of both Jabiru aircraft.

The process of getting the J230 back in the air is well in hand and should be completed within the next week.
In the meantime the J120 Jabiru is available for hire and flight.

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