At 11.00am this morning Phil Colquhuon passed a significant milestone with his Jabiru J200 project. After much hard work and many long months, Phil's little baby has at last taken to the air for the first time.

After some final checks and a high speed taxi run Cliff Banks gently lifted off for the first flight. Everything went very well, the plane handled perfectly and only required some minor fine tuning before its second and third flights.

Michael Sudholz and Peter Weissenfeld report that Phil was 'Very happy' with the test flights and had a smile on his face from ear to ear when Cliff applied the power and gently eased off the runway for the first test flight. Congratulations Phil. Phil is pictured below with Cliff Banks after the successful test flight.

Unfortunately a small stone was picked up by the prop and hit one of the mail wheel fairings. So now Phil has his first repair to fix. Oh well such is flying. Phil is pictured below inspecting the damage.