Saturday, February 12, 2022

Jack Hart goes through his outlanding decision making

Jack Hart gave those present at briefing this morning an outline of his decision making process for his outlanding on Day 6.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Briefr summary of task details for Day 6

Club Class Task 6, 10 Feb 2022 Task distance: 164.77 km / 392.91 km (271.22 km) Task duration: 3:00:00 Updated: 10/02/2022, 08:48 15m / Std Class Task 6, 10 Feb 2022 Task distance: 172.52 km / 402.86 km (280.45 km) Task duration: 3:00:00 Updated: 10/02/2022, 08:49 Open / 18m Class Task 6, 10 Feb 2022 Task distance: 187.44 km / 412.71 km (292.87 km) Task duration: 2:45:00 Updated: 10/02/2022, 08:50

Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Winners Day 2 Horsham Week

Our winners for Day 2
Ryan Driscoll - Open/18m Class
Jack Hart - Std/15m Class
Steve Jinks - Club Class

Day 3 Winners

Our winners from Day 3
Ryan Driscoll - Open/18m
Gordon Trollip - Std/15m
Steve Jinks - Club

Day 4 task for Open / 18m Class

Standard / 15m Class Task for Day 4

Club Class task for Day 4 at Horsham Week

Briefing for Comps Director

Selwyn is asking all the right questions of his task setter, weather expert, while the Safety Officer listens in. It really is a good group dynamic. So today, from the view from the cheap seats is looking pretty good.

Task Setting, Safety and Weather Analysis Team hard at work

It’s Horsham Week Day 4 and the task setting team is ‘plotting’ the tasks for today. Yesterday was a bit tougher for some pilots, so emphasis should be placed on plotting.

Monday, February 07, 2022

Horsham Week - Day 3 Results


Horsham Week - Day 3 Results

Club Class
1. Steve Jinks 105.12 km/h 
2. David Meredith 95.46 km/h 
3. Jaroslaw Mosiejewski 94.52 km/h 
Updated: 07/02/2022, 21:20
15m / Std Class
1. Gordon Trollip 106.59 km/h 
2. David Nugent 102.60 km/h 
3. Bruce Cowan 102.23 km/h 
Updated: 07/02/2022, 21:23
Open / 18m Class
1. Ryan Driscoll 117.92 km/h 
2. Michael Durrant 115.68 km/h 
3. John Orton 117.11 km/h 
Updated: 07/02/2022, 21:22

Saturday, February 05, 2022

Day 1 out on the field

 Some picture from out on the North South strip for launching on Day 1 of Horsham Week 2022

operations Director Selwyn Ellis consults with Task Setter Jarrek

Team Beaufort gather on the strip to plot and scheme… As usual.

Action a plenty at the Pie Cart. well do nearly all gliding clubs call their control vehicle a pie cart. It’s not as if they eat lots of pies. And below, the sky is looking pretty good.

Safety is important, no vital.

 Our Safety Officer for this year is PK. PK gave a briefing that was to the point and extremely relevant to our successful operation. 

More detail forum Day 1 Briefing

 The weather briefing is being provided this week by Tim Shirley. The weather is looking interesting and all classes should be able to complete their assigned tasks today.

Welcome to Horsham Week 2022

 It’s the first Saturday of February, which means that it’s the start of the annual Horsham Week competition at Horsham Aerodrome. Now in its 56th year, Horsham Week is one of the longest running regional gliding competitions in Australia.

So welcome to Horsham Week 2022.

At 10:00am briefing kicked off with first a welcome by Club President Michael Sudholz, followed by the general competition briefing from Competition Director Selwyn Ellis.

Pilots, crew and competition officials took up three rows of tables and the cheap seats by the back wall as they took in the briefing. 


Friday, February 04, 2022

Last Day of Coaching Week

It's the last day of Coaching Week for 2022 and it's warming up again and the wind is dropping. Hopefully we will have a great flying day to conclude on. No flying yesterday, apart from an RV6 trip to Mallacoota then Benalla and return to Horsham. There were road trips to Warrnambool and Nelson, so a few pilots got about a bit yesterday. So today it's back into gliders.