Monday, October 06, 2008


Michael Sudholz presents Doug Brooke
with his 'Frequent Flyer' certificate.

Club President Michael Sudholz presents Mark Griffin
with his Life Membership.

Michael presents Peter Weissenfeld with
his Life membership of the club.


Kevin Reid, another of our new members is progressing well with his navigation flights under the guidance of PW. Just to get an idea of where they've been going. One flight has been from Horsham to Naracoort, then on to Bordertown and finally back to Horsham. The other has been from Horsham to Swan Hill on to Maryborough and back to Horsham. Keep up the good work Kevin.

New Antenna Appears Magicaly

A new radio antenna has magically appeared on top of the hangar roof. A fault was found in the old antenna which had served the club for decades. As we are all responsible people and observe proper health and safety laws, the antenna fairies removed the old antenna and replaced it with a reconditioned one provided by a notable life member with some experience in the communications industry. So last weekend no members climbed up onto the roof, admired the view, soldered on the new end to the cable and repositioned everything into place. That never happened. Another job well done by the power of positive thinking. If you think about something happening enough it will happen. And it did. So the radio in the bar now receives but we have a small issue with distortion of the signal (possible problem with the speaker). Unfortunately there is still a problem with the microphone, so we can't transmit. But we have one step forward and two steps sideways. One each way actually, one to the left and one to the right. Stay tuned for further developments.

First Solo For Stuart

Congratulations to Stuart Walker who went solo in the Jabiru J120 on Saturday 27th September.