The Gliding Fly and Try day set for Sunday 5th September was postponed due to inclement weather. Unfortunately the weather forecast for Sunday 12th September wasn't any better and it was again postponed. But the rains held off and a number of people came out to the airport anyway and had a try and fly in the Twin Astir even though it wasn't the official fly and try day. Those that did take up the opportunity came back as many do with great big smiles on their dials. Up to 3.00pm we had about 6 people go up in the Twin.
The official fly and try day will now be held in October on the Sunday following the fly-in being organized by the Horsham Aero Club for the 16th and 17th October. This will give the opportunity to distribute information about the Fly and Try day during the fly-in
So the new date for the Glider Try and Fly Day is Sunday 24th October