Saturday, August 27, 2011

Two New Life Members

At the club's annual dinner held at the Natimuk Hotel last month two Life Memberships were awarded to current club members who have provided outstanding service to the club over many years. Michael Hogan the current club Vice-President standing in for President Arnold Niewand presented the first Life Membership to Steve Schneider. Steve has been recognised for his ongoing contribution to the club, in particular for his role as club secretary for for the past twelve years. Past club President Michael Sudholz then presented the second Life membership to Michael Hogan. The less said about him the better, especially as it is he/me that is writing this newsletter entry.

You check me & I'll check you

Peter Weissenfeld and Peter Kelly give each other their annual check flight in the Janus CM Victor X-Ray. This photo taken as they swapped places for the second flight. Both were pretty happy with the others flying. The third flight for the day involved Peter Kelly checking Michael Hogan. Everyone agreed that VX is a lovely plane to fly. The motor is running smoothly and starts easily if you follow the recommended starting procedure.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Not quite Spring cleaning

It's amazing what can get done on a late winter day. Not only have people been painting, but the 'Pie Cart' has had a wash down and the gutters of the bunk house cleaned out. May be we should have a AGM more often.

Operation paint the workshop (Part 2)

The clubs workshop has had a few coats of paint applied and is looking really flash. Almost to good to be a workshop. It's now an operations room. Even the concrete floor is going to get a coat of paint. A job well done by Ziggy, Marta and Wayne.

On a road to nowhere

It's almost a road to nowhere, but it's actually the view to the south on the recently sealed North South (17/35) runway. The strip has been closed for months while much digging and compacting has taken place. Now the seal has been put on it's getting much closer to being back in service. Then all we have to sort out is how gliding operations fit into the reduced area off the sides of the strip. But wiser heads than this blog contributor are working on that. More news as it comes to hand.