Sunday, May 05, 2013

New Date for 50th Anniversary Dinner

The new and final date for the anniversary dinner will be:

Saturday 31st August 2013

The venue is yet to be decided.

At the May club meeting the executive of the club responded to a request from a number of members to reconsider the date set for the 50th anniversary dinner that had been set for Saturday 14th September 2013.

It has been decided that the dinner be brought back to the last Saturday in August. This will keep the dinner and associated celebration within the Month that the club began operations 50 years ago in 1963.

50th Anniversary Dinner registration of interest/attendance

Now that we have a final date for the 50th Anniversary Dinner (Saturday 31st August 2013) we need to establish numbers attending and get on with the planning. A venue and format for the evening will be finalised in the near future. What is final is the date and that the dinner will be in the evening.

The club is seeking registration of interest/attendance from current and past members of the old Wimmera Soaring Club, Wimmera Sports Aircraft Association and the new Horsham Flying Club. We also invite the many friends and supporters of the club to attend and share in the celebrations. We you or your family has been involved with the club in any way over the years we we love to see you on the 31st August and 1st September 2013.

To register your interest/attendance please contact Michael Hogan by email, text or voice to: or 0409 028 895 

Friday, May 03, 2013

Where it all began... Way back in 1963

Left to right - Wes Barnett, Dr Tommy Thompson, Jim McConachie and Reg Stewart.

It all started way back in 1963 with a dream. A dream to start gliding club in Horsham, and these four men were part of that dream. Now fifty years later we are living that dream. So get involved in your club's 50th Anniversary celebrations. Keep Saturday 31st August 2013 free in your diary to attend the 50th Anniversary Dinner.

Thursday, May 02, 2013

PW again available for instruction

Peter Weissenfeld is once again available to provide instruction for expiring RAA and glider pilots. Although Peter has been back in the air for a while now, with the return to service of the J120 those students who have had a little break from flying can get back into the air again. We would also like to remiend members and potential members that autumn and winter in the Wimmera is a great time to either start of your gliding journey or bring your skills back up if you've not flown for a while.

Contact Peter on 0419 137 129 to arrange getting back into the air either in a Jabiru or the Twin or Janus