Sunday, August 29, 2021

Looking for a self-launching Janus CM

Are you looking for a self-launching Janus CM. We've got one and its for sale. $96k. More information and contact details available soon.

Air Conditioning for Bunk House to go ahead

The club committee at its August general meeting has agreed to go ahead with the project to provide air conditioning for the club bunkhouse. Seperate single system air conditioners will be installed in each of the three rooms of the bunkhouse. This will be a great enhancement to the bunkhouse and will be welcomed by those members and guests using our facilities over the summer. We are in the process of obtaining quotes for supply, and after a purchase is made the units will be installed.

Horsham Flying Club Annual General Meeting

After a delay because of the reinstated lockdown for regional Victoria, the Horsham Flying Club held their Annual General Meeting via Zoom on Saturday 28 August.

After the formalities were completed the following members have stepped forward to lead the club through 2021/2022.

President - Michael Sudholz

Vice President - Selwyn Ellis

Secretary - Steve Schneider

Treasurer - Wayne Jackson

Committee - Lorelle Esmore

Committee - Doug Brooke

Committee - Phil Colquhoun

Committee - Ruben Martin

Committee - Mark Griffin

GFA Chair of Instructors - Peter Weissenfeld

RAAus Chief Flying Instructor - Peter Weissenfeld

Safety Officer - Ruben Martin

The club thanks outgoing President Arnold Niewand for his many years of service and leadership.