This month we welcome another two new members. Laurie Goldsbury and Ross Carroll have joined the club. Laurie is from Donald and is building a Jabiru. Laurie has had his plane in Joe's shop for the last few weeks and comes over from Donald for a few days to do all the rubbing back. Progress is being made and no doubt that soon another sparkling Jabiru will be gracing the Wimmera skies. Rosco is no stranger to the club. He has been bring his glider to Horsham for servicing for many years and is a stalwart of the Dadswells Bridge Group. Both Ross and Laurie have been around enough to have been defacto members for ages. So we welcome both of you now, formally as new club members.
Wimmera Machinary Field Days
The field days were held from the 28th February to the 2nd of March. We were involved with a display in one of the pavilions along with 'Airwego' and the Horsham Aeroclub. A number of member gave up their time to help with the stand. Max put in a lot of work from our side of things. Thanks also to Robert Johns from 'Airwego' for his assistance and support. This photo was supplied by Rolf Hedt. Max has his back to the camera and is set to pounce on another unsuspecting victim. There was a lot of interest in Light Sport Aircraft, but not as much in gliding. Oh well something to keep working on for the future. Michael Sudholz tells me that we do have a few people who are interested in joy flights and trial instructional flights.
Hatched, Matched and Dispatched
This month its back to good news for Alan Dickerson. Alan's daughter Wendy is getting married in a few weeks. So we wish Wendy and Jason all the best
Fly In at Donald
The Donald Aero Club is holding a 'Fly In' on Saturday 29th April starting at 10.00AM. The day is being held in conjunction with the Donald Baby Boomers Festival. All general aviation and sport aviation enthusiasts are welcome. Catering will be provided during the day at Donald Aerodrome. For further information contact Robert Adams on 5498 6253 or 0408 590 621. The other contact is Laurie Goldsbury on 5497 6255 or 0427 887 236.
Next Monthly Meeting
The next club meeting will be held at the clubrooms on Saturday April 8th from 7.00PM. There will be a dinner before hand at 6.00PM, Lorelle will be preparing the meal. We would appreciate people letting us know ho many will be able to come along. Put your name on the board at the club or let one of the committee know. The minutes of the last meeting held on Saturday 11th March have been included with this newsletter.
Aircraft Building News
There are currently two ongoing aircraft building projects being undertaken by club members. Joe Luciani is building an Esqual and Phil Colquhuon is building a Jabiru J235. Joe is nearing completion of his aircraft. Last weekend saw the first test run of the engine and some initial taxiing around the taxiway. If all goes to plan the first test flight should be this weekend coming.
Phil is making a lot of progress with his project. The engine has been mounted and a the doors open and close. Phil is pictured working on the tail plane and rudder. Thats the bits at the back for us less technically minded people. I am now an expert at doing little counter sunk holes for rivets to go in and Phil has big strong forearms for putting in the rivets. We found that it was best to put in four or five rivets and then have a rest by seeing what Joe was doing. This gives you a rest and allows you to build up strength for a few more rivets. Really the project is going very well. More news about these projects and Joe's first flight next month.
Thats the newsletter for this month. Remember send me you ideas and stories to include in your newsletter. The newsletter is only as good as its content, so please help me out with some articles. Until April. Safe flying.
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