Sunday, July 30, 2006
Wayne Completes His Flight Test
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Mike Can Drive A Winch Too
Monday, July 10, 2006
The Fly Paper - July 2006
Joe English, one of our Life Members and a stalwart of the the old WSC is very unwell at the moment. This news has come to the club via Leon Righetti. Joe would appreciate contact from his friends and initially the club will be sending a card to Joe and Norma. Well wish his all the best for a speedy recovery. Joe and Norma now reside in Adelaide after many years in Horsham. Joe is a former office bearer of the club and our Tug Master for many years.
Mike Gets Converted
Michael Hogan has nearly completed his conversion to fly the Sinus Ultralight Motorglider which is owned by Keith Hill and is based at the Sunraysia Gliding Field, Mildura. The Sinis is a tail wheel light sport aircraft, powered by a 65hp Rotax engine with a fully feathering prop. As the Sinus has the tail wheel the conversion has involved lots of wandering around the SGC strip trying to keep the thing straight after landing and many a bouncy landing, but says he's getting the hang of it. Mike's has been flying with Ian Benning, the CFI of the Sunraysia Gliding Club (SGC). Mike is also a member of the SGC and did his first solo circuits on Sunday 2nd July and again on Sunday 9th July. The aircraft is very easy to fly, (apart from the wandering bit) and glides quite nicely with the engine off. Once Mike has built up some confidence and saved up some money he will fly down to Horsham to show her off.
Annual General Meeting
The clubs AGM will be held at 7.00PM in the clubrooms on Saturday 12th August. The meeting will receive the Presidents annual report, the Treasurers financial statement for 2005/2006, elect office bearers for 2006/2007and appoint an auditor for 2006/2007. Nominations are sort for the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and up to 4 ordinary committee members. Nomination forms are available in the clubrooms and need to be displayed on the notice board for 14 days prior to the meeting. So nominations close on the 31st July. An member wishing to submit a proxy vote for the AGM needs to do so on the form included with this newsletter. The proxy must be submitted by post and reach the clubs post box by last mail on Thursday 10th August (48 hours before the meeting).
Dadswells Bridge Flying washed out on 15th & 16th July
Their was no flying at Colefield this past weekend as we had rain all day on Saturday the 15th and some showers on Sunday 16th July. We had more than 25mm at Horsham Aerodrome. Although not good for gliding the rain was welcomed by many. The next Dadswells weekend will be held on Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th of August. Contact Peter Wiessenfeld about flying at Dadswells, the Janus and or the Twin Astir will be operating at Colefield, along with the Pawnee. Jabiru pilots are always welcome to drop in as well. As we have mentioned before the Grampains are a great area to fly over with spectacular views in all directions. So come flying at Colefield next month.
Griffo's Gripe
Mark has a problem with keeping track of fuel going into the Jabiru. Mark requests most politely that when the Jabiru is refueled please record in the flight book how much fuel was put in , who put it in and when it was put in. Its all very simple. Please do this whether you get a receipt or not from the bowser. Mark will be very grateful and he will not yell at anyone.
New Range of Club Clothing
Now is the time purchase an item or two from the clubs new clothing range. If your head gets cold out on the field or during your morning or evening walk, then make a statement about your club with one of our hand made Polar Fleece Beanies. These Beanies are monogrammed with the club logo after assembly at an exclusive Mildura garment facility (Mike's Place). The Beanies are in Air Force Blue with a white logo and are one size fits all. They are in high demand with 7 sold last weekend. Beanies available now from the club for $7.50 and can be found in the steel cupboard in the office. A jar for payment is also in the cupboard with the beanies.
But there's even more to this exclusive range. Show some pride in your club by sporting a classy polo top this Spring and Summer. You can provide your own polo or other top and have the logo added for around $7.50. Our exclusive Mildura based agent can arrange for your garment to be monogrammed with the club logo in a contrasting colour. It doesn't have to be a polo top, its up to you. You provide the garment and Mike arranges the rest.For more information contact Michael direct by telephone on 03 5025 8997 or 0409 028 895. You can also email Mike at
Review of Aerotow Options
The last club meeting received and heard some reports on options for future aerotowing of our gliders. Initial reports on the towing being done in WA by a Jabiru J230 are that the aircraft may be underpowered and the engine temperatures , while ok in a WA winter may be a different in summer. Most other LSA options are beyond our price range. We may be able to purchase a Maule as a tug which would provide a multi use aircraft as it has four seats and can be used for more than just towing. The club is now actively seeking expressions of interest from potential buyers of the Pawnee. Inquiries are continuing with the owner of the Maule we are interested in purchasing. More information will be distributed to members as and when it becomes available.
Thats it for this month, don't forget the AGM & Annual Dinner. Until then happy and safe flying.