Following the success of the course held at Hosham last season, another introductory cross country gliding course is being held at Horsham from Saturday 26th January to Friday 1st February. Coaching is being provided by VSA coaches, David Wilson, Geoff Vincent & Ian Grant as well as Bernard Eckey from South Australia in his high performance ASH25P. VMFG and Geelong GC from Bacchus Marsh are providing two Pawnee tugs as well as, a Janus & Duo Discus. Our Horsham Club’s self launching Janus and the Twin Astir are taking part. Michael Sudholz and Arnold Neiwand are taking part in the course and Max Hedt is helping out both in the air and on the ground.
Each day will include a morning lecture on topics of interest to early cross country pilots, followed by the weather forecast and a flight briefing were tasks will be set. After flying, data loggers will be downloaded, with a flight debriefing held during the evening.
There are about 9 pilots on the course, as well as a number of visiting pilots who are getting in some practice before Horsham Week 2008.