New Member
This month we welcome Paul Walter as a new member. Welcome to the club Paul, we hope you enjoy flying with us. Please make yourself known to Paul when you next meet him.
Hatched, Matched, Dispatched & Flown
This month we have a sort of hatched and flown all in one. Joe Luciani's Esqual was test flown last weekend. The first flight was flown by Cliff Banks of Sun Centre Ultralights. Doug Brooke reports that no changes or adjustments needed to be made after the flight. Congratulations Joe on a job well done. I have no reports yet of Joe's impressions of his first flight. Hopefully we can get a more detailed report in the next issue. See the pictures from the earlier posting.
New Signs
If you've visited the club in the last couple of weeks you will have noticed one small change. At last we managed to get one of the signs changed over to the new club logo. You humble editor managed to get the old sign off and attached the new small sign to the car park door. It was a struggle, especially when I used Phil's biggest rivets and then could only pull the very first one half way through (I am only a weak and feeble Librarian, not a big butch outdoors type), but a change to small rivets and advice from my fellow government worker Steve and the job was done. So take note all you right wing reactionaries and Max – government workers get things done!!! Now we only have to wait for the big sign for Geodetic Road to arrive. The new signs are just larger versions of our logo.
Next Monthly Meeting
The next club meeting will be held on Saturday 13th May at 7.00PM in the clubrooms. Please note the time. All are welcome at the monthly meeting. So take some time to get involved in the administration of your club. The minutes of the last meeting held on Saturday 8th April were included in the distibution of this 'Fly Paper'.
Fly-In at Donald
The Donald Aero Club is holding a 'Fly In' on Saturday 29th April starting at 10.00AM. The day is being held in conjunction with the Donald Baby Boomers Festival. All general aviation and sport aviation enthusiasts are welcome. Catering will be provided during the day at Donald Aerodrome. For further information contact Robert Adams on 5498 6253 or 0408 590 621. The other contact is Laurie Goldsbury on 5497 6255 or 0427 887 236.
Direct Payments to the Club's Bank Account
Now that Mark's got our flying accounts coming out on a regular basis (good on you Mark), some members might find it convenient to make payments direct to the clubs bank account via Internet Banking. I find this a get option as I can pay my account as soon as the statement arrives. Its very easy. All you need is the account name, account number and the BSB for the bank and away you go. Most Internet Banking services work in a similar manner and you can make one off payments or schedule regular payments to a nominated account. The details you require for direct payments to the clubs banks account are:
Account Name – The Wimmera Soaring Club
Account Number – 10006008
BSB – 063 675
To help Mark identify your payment on the monthly statement we should all adopt a standard approach to the 'To Account Description', which describes the transfer on the clubs monthly statement. I would suggest the following format. First initial and surname followed by the words flying fees, for example 'MHogan Flying Fees'. If your bank doesn't provide enough room for all the characters abbreviate 'Flying Fees' to 'FFees'. Its simple really
Dates for Dadswells Bridge Weekends
Once again the Dadswells Bridge group will be operating through the winter at Colefield, Dadswells Bridge. The club will be supplying TOJ as a tug and on those weekends gliding operations will at Colefield. The dates for this year are;
June - Sat 10th, Sun 11th and Mon 12th.
July - Sat 15th and Sun 16th.
August - Sat 19th and Sun 20th.
September - Thurs 21st, Fri 22nd, Sat 23rd and Sun 24th.
The Grampians are a fabulous area the fly over and depending on the winds we can get either ridge lift or the allusive 'wave'. There will be more information as we get closer to each weekend. You can also check out the details for each weekend and other club events on our events calendar as part of our web page.
The link address is http://my.calendars.net/jabirubookings
The New Blog
The club now has another communication tool. I have created a Blog or Weblog to share information about club events and happening between 'Fly Papers'. Blog is short for weblog. A weblog is a journal (or newsletter) that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. So a Blog is a virtual diary stored on the Internet and generally consist of text and images. They appear in a calendar or chronological format.
Our Blog can be found at the following address http://horshamflyingclub.blogspot.com/
I will set up access for for members to be able to comment on the Blog and eventually provide input or 'post' information direct to the Blog.
So thats about it for another month. I'm still looking for input and ideas from you the members. So please help me out with the 'Fly Paper'. If you have contributions then please send them to me. I can be contacted by email on mphogan@ncable.com.au or by post to 171 Tenth Street Mildura 3500. I can be phone on 5025 8997 or text me on 0409 028 895. Go on, as those late night ads say; “Call me, Call me now”.
So until next month, safe flying.
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