Rolf Hedt, son of Max and RC helicopter pilot of note is organizing a remote control heli weekend at the Longerenong College Grounds on the 23rd and 24th of September. Rolf has four of Australia's Best RC heli pilots coming to do the workshops on the Saturday (Learning about how to set them up and run them the best!) with plenty of general flying as well, then on the Sunday the four Gurus will put on a display for the public to come and watch between 9.30am and 3.00pm. For more information contact Rolf Hedt on 0427 340702.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
A First Solo...In A Glider

Saturday, August 19, 2006
Annual Dinner and Awards Night
Michael Sudholz also presented some certificates of his own to Alan Dickerson and Michael Hogan. Alan received the 'Frequent Flyer Award' for so regularly coming out and flying in all weather and at all times of the day. Alan often nips of flying somewhere and reappears just on dusk. Michael Hogan received the 'You Did It Award' award for playing with Michael Sudholz's truck while he was off flying in the Twin and then locking the keys inside. The two Mike's then had to drive out to Natimuk in the second Mike's car to get the first Mike's spare keys.

Saturday, August 12, 2006
Annual General Meeting

Arnold back in the air
We would also like to welcome Arnold Niewand back to the gliding field. Arnold has retained his membership of the club but has not been an active pilot. But Arnold has had some check flights in the Twin and again gone solo. Well done Arnold and welcome back to the flight line. Talking of Arnold, both he and his son David had TIF flights with PW and Mark in the Jabiru on Saturday 12th August. So maybe we will be seeing abit more of both Arnold and David in the weeks and months to come. When David came back from his flight with Mark he had a smile from ear to ear.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Annual General Meeting
Any member wishing to submit a proxy vote for the AGM needs to do so on the form which was distributed with the July 'Fly Paper'. The proxy must be submitted by post and reach the clubs post box by last mail on Thursday 10th August (48 hours before the meeting).