Monday, August 13, 2007

The Great Jabiru Expedition - Day 3

Day three of the expedition, but actually the second flying day. Geoff from the motel obtained the aviation weather for the party and delivered the four crew to the aerodrome. Alan's Jabiru had trouble starting after a cold night and a layer of ice had to be cleaned off the wings before we could get going. The track for today was Moree, then Dalby and finally on to Bundaberg. Fuel was taken on at the first two stops. The party left Narromine at around 10.00am and arrived at Bundaberg around 4.10pm. Between Narromine and Moree there was a lot of scrubby country and we appreciated Cliff Banks advice to divert via Galargambone. Another long day with around five hours spent in the air. Dalby to Bundaberg was the last part of our crossing of the Great Dividing Range. PW and Alan went over at around 5500 feet and Mike and Mike between 4500 and 5500.

The weather was perfect for the crossing, although there was quite a bit of smoke haze. Both Jabiru's performed very well. Rod Stiff from Jabiru picked us up from the tie down area and delivered everyone to our motel near the airport. This was our first introduction to the fabulous hospitality of the Jabiru Company. After settling into our rooms, the intrepid party headed over the road to the 'Brothers' Sports Club for a beer or several and a Chinese banquette. After a very enjoyable meal the party retired to the motel for some more of Alan's stories and a nightcap of a beverage distilled by a well known local business. Although PW was shocked to find that the variety mixed with a famous American cola actually comes from Sydney.

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